Workshop: Cotton (EN)

Zwei Schülerinnen bearbeiten ein Arbeitsblatt im Rahmen eines Südwind-Workshops über Baumwolle.

Jeans on the Move

Piecework, cotton plants and monoculture are some of the topics of this workshop. Its main objective is to tackle global issues in an interactive way. Jeans serve as an example of worldwide processes, which concern all of us. The problems related to the production of apparel are already known, but only few people know how to engage for an improved situation. The workshop shows how to act locally and globally for a better world. The concept of the workshop is similar to „Die unbekannte Biografie unserer Jeans“.

Duration: 2 teaching units
Target group: Children and young people aged 13-15 years
Group size: a school class
Implementing regions: Vienna, Lower Austria, Tyrol, VBG
Relevant SDGs: 8, 10, 12, 15

Dates can be arranged with the respective Südwind regional offices. The exact content of the workshops may vary from region to region. Costs and details are available on request in your region.

„I have learned a lot about my clothes today. That was interesting!“





Unser Bildungskonzept


Agenda 2030 und die SDGs



Weitere Inhalte

Eine digitale Spurensuche durch die Salzburger Altstadt
  • Klima
  • Konsum
  • Menschenrecht
  • Wirtschaft
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